The Transistor

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A transistor is a device that can either switch an electric current on and off, or amplify an electric current. (

The main component in a microchip is the transistor. Computers operate on a binary system, which uses only two digits: 0 and 1, all kinds of information are converted into combinations of 1s and 0s. As transistors can act as a switch, therefore their application in a computer microchip is to either let current through, representing the binary digit 1, or cut it off, representing 0. ( lesson3. html) All aspects of modern Western Society rely on computers. Computers cannot operate without microchips, which’s main component is a transistor. Hence, the transistors impact on modern Western Society is immeasurable.

The transistor brought about the beginning of solid state electronics, which resulted in the silicon chip. The silicon chip enabled advancements in methods of data capture and processing, as well as information collection and sharing. The flow...

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