The Timekeeper By Mitch Albom

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The Timekeeper was written by a well-known author, Mitch Albom. And Mitch Albom's style is very unique. He makes the situations that are happening in the book seem real, like in real-life. In my opinion, I thought he did a phenomenal job on this book. I love how his writing makes you want to keep reading, and your eyes don't want to stray from the page. This book has kept me on my toes, waiting and waiting. Mitch Albom has many real-life connections (as stated before).

I can relate to this book in some ways, and one of them being when my great-grandmother died. I wish time would stop and go back. So I personally have a connection to this book. Albom focuses on all to most of the characters in the story. Albom includes many wonderful quotes, and some of my favorite are in this book. "As children grow, they gravitate towards their fates" as stated on page eleven. Another favorite of mine is "There is a reason God limits our days, to make each one precious". (On page one-hundred forty-three). …show more content…

A few that I noticed are very true and valuable. A few of them are "there's always sunshine behind a cloud", "don't try to rush or extend your lifetime", "be grateful for the things you have", "be grateful for the life that you (also) have", "good things will always come up", and "suicide is never the answer". The themes are very strong in this story, and they have true

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