The Time Roving Around The Classroom And Interacting With Students

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Belinda spent time roving around the classroom and interacting with students individually and in small groups to identify their current knowledge and differences in learning. With the year 12 class, she systematically observed and monitored students during class (informal assessment) and recognised an area the majority of the class struggled with. She then created lessons to address this. These lessons worked extremely well. The students engaged with them and as a result, applied it to their own assessments. Standard 2 Belinda’s lessons were extremely well prepared and researched. The lessons were designed with clear learning intentions. Her ICT use was outstanding and her ability to find a clip or a game to support the class content amazed me. It was never done to fill time, but rather purposefully to add to lesson. Belinda modelled good literacy, both orally and in written form. Standard 3 Belinda always sent her lesson plans to me with time for feedback if needed. She was well organised, planned and prepared. This made her very easy to work with. The learning goals/intentions were challenging, thorough and achievable. Belinda gave students clear instructions on what to do upon entry to the room. She always reminded students what they had done previously (recapitulation), what they would be doing in the current lesson and at the end, prepared them for the following lesson. She gave time indicators to keep students moving and aware of the time left. Belinda has a very clear, relaxed and natural voice. She questioned and included students in meaningful discussions. Belinda stuck to the classroom routines and kept a tight structure within each period. She used a range of activities and resources that complemented her learning in... ... middle of paper ... ... in ‘Standard 6.’ She also participated and sang in front of the school during WOW. She took the opportunity to include our school values within her teaching as and when the opportunity arose. I offered Belinda the opportunity to take over my roll mark class and she willingly accepted. She prepared relevant and useful worships to share with the class and I believe they benefited immensely from her sharing. These demonstrated that Belinda understands the mission and ethos of Longburn Adventist College. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed having Belinda in my classroom. She contributed so much on a daily basis and was so easy to work with. I learned a lot to use in my own teaching and enjoyed watching her grow and develop. I have no reservations in grading Belinda a High Distinction because she displayed outstanding ability in both her teaching organisation and practice.

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