The Three Revolutions

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The Three Revolutions

The three revolutions the "Glorious Revolution" in England, the French

Revolution, and the American Revolution all had a profound effect on there

country and the world. We talked about and discussed each one of these in

class. All three of these revolution have lots in common but there all alot

different form each other. All of these revolutions were started by people

who wanted better or different things to be going on in their country, they all

were trying to change things to make there country better to live in. Some of

these revolutions helped or started the other revolutions, but there was only

one great revolution and that was the "Glorious Revolution". The "Glorious

Revolution" had more effect than the other revolution on its country and the


The "Glorious Revolution" in England was the greatest revolution of

all. It was started in England in 1688. It was called the "Glorious Revolution"

because of a couple of reasons, one because there was not one war in the

entire revolution. The other reason was that it made the way for all the other

revolutions to come. The English monarch was kicked off his throne, for the

second time in 40 years. Charles l was the first one the be taken from his

throne, then in 1688, it was James ll, the brother and heir to Charles ll.

James ruled the same way his brother did, without the permission of

Parliament and to restore Roman Catholicism as the main religion in

England. Everybody turned against James including the nobles and gentry

because they wanted different things then what James wanted. So

Parliament invited William of Orange and his wife, Mary to come and be the

king and queen of England. Then in December of 1688 ...

... middle of paper ...

...of just one.

This was the major effect of the French Revolution.

To conclusion, the three revolutions the "Glorious Revolution" in

England, the French Revolution, and the American Revolution all had a

profound effect on there country and the world. All of these revolutions were

started by people who wanted better or different things to be going on in their

country, they all were trying to change things to make there country better to

live in. Some of these revolutions helped or started the other revolutions,

but there was only one great revolution and that was the "Glorious

Revolution". The "Glorious Revolution" had more effect than the other

revolution on its country and the world because it made way for the other



Work Cited

The Western Experience

Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia CD ROM

Open Document