The Three Goddesses During The Trojan War

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The Trojan war began the same way that many other fights began during ancient times; a fight between the gods, who control the lives of mortals and manipulate their lives for personal amusement. The mortals are aware that their lives are in the hands of the gods, thus they remain obedient because they fear the gods. Thetis and Peleus had recently been married and it was customary to have a celebration. Zeus took it upon himself to be in charge of that marriage ceremony which indicates the importance of the gods in the everyday lives of the mortals. He wanted to ensure a pleasant celebration and therefore did not to invite Eris, the personification of discord and strife. When she shows up in protest, she rolls “the apple of discord” in the middle of the wedding party where the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, happen to see it and notice that the words “for the fairest” are inscribed on the skin of the apple. …show more content…

Even though Zeus tries to control the situation, the outcome is still decided by another goddess, Eris. When Paris reads the words “for the fairest” each of the three goddesses appear. Desperate for the label of the fairest lady, each of the goddesses offer Paris something for their selection. Hera promised to make Paris the king of Europe and Asia, Athena offered Paris wisdom and skill in war, and finally Aphrodite assured Paris the most beautiful woman in the world; Helen of Sparta, the wife of Menelaus. The three goddesses lead Paris to believe that he has a level of free will; however, he was destined to choose Aphrodite, initiating the long, bloody Trojan war. Paris selects Aphrodite as the winner and consequently, Helen is stolen from Menelaus, launching a thousand ships to the shores of Troy. The war is fought for years and Thetis’ son Achilles becomes the greatest warrior the Greeks have ever

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