The Theme Of The Movie Like Stars On Earth, Every Child Is Special

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Everything is connected to everything else. It is like a ripple effect where one decision or action will surely lead to a series of events to happen. For instance, nowadays, teenage pregnancy is so rampant. Why so? Because in most cases love is mistakenly thought as infatuation, lust, desire, etc. Love is only viewed in a superficial way, which is because of the ignorance that the society fed us. Our knowledge about what life really is is too shallow. The cruelties, act of sacrificing and pain is always underrated. We live with the idea of having a blissful life without wanting to pay the price of it. We would notice that most teenagers who gets engaged to this came from the poor families. Hence, poverty is also a cause of it. And honestly, the child is the one …show more content…

The title of the movie is “Taare Zameen Par” or in English, “Like Stars on Earth, Every Child is Special”. There is a child that has been discriminated by his classmates and teachers because he always fails in all their subjects. However, he is very good at painting which his father is taking for granted. But the worst part is, because of his incompetence, his very own father discriminated him also. They thought that the kid was just rebelling to them and sent him to a boarding school to discipline him. However, what happened to the child is another way round. Discrimination ate him and he gave up. He became depressed and eventually stopped painting. Then, their new art teacher, who has a heart for kids, noticed him and what he is going through. He started to care for the child and wanted to find out why the child became depressed. Finally, he diagnosed that the child has dyslexia. It is a developmental reading disorder and that is the reason why he is having a hard time in dealing with his academics in school. The art teacher informed the parents but at first, they seem not to accept the fact for they do not want the child to be labeled having a mental

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