The Theme Of Alienation In Hugo Desai's Perspective

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Since he has been brought up according to parental dictates and decrees, his life seems to be completely planned and governed by them. He is agonized at the very thought that the construction of his life should fulfill the ambition of his dictatorial father. He does not have choices as the course of his life is mapped out by him and he ought to join his designed enterprise. His family expectations, stemming from their pre-conceived notions of desirable male attributes, and their unceasing efforts to mould him into the desired shape, weigh heavily on him. He is looked after and nurtured so vigilantly that he develops and aversion to build relationships. Consequently, he feels wrecked, desires anonymity and resists being a part of American life. …show more content…

Desai often portrays the psychological havoc which parents wreck on their children. The status obsessed parents live with false sense of values thus creating an emotional vacuum in the family.
Migration and cultural displacement, a common phenomenon of the present century is also a cause of alienation of Desai’s protagonists. They bear cultural shocks and suffer from a hyphenated existence. Hugo Baumgartner suffers the most as his life is a saga of loss viz. loss of home, loss of parents, loss of country, loss of companions, loss of profession, and above all the loss of his own life. He is the most pitiable among Desai’s males as destiny eludes him in spite of his modesty. He is an innocent victim of the gruesomeness of war being faced by the present world. Millions of people nowadays are engulfed by a similar catastrophe as is suffered by Baumgartner as the World is facing a global displacement crisis. As per the United Nations, “one out of every 113 people on the planet was now either internally displaced or a refugee.” [The Tribune. Chandigarh. June 21, 2016. Page 18 “Global migrant tide swells to 6.5 cr”] The exodus from Iraq, Syria and some other Islamic nations due to terrorism, political upheavals, and war has rendered many homeless and rootless.

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