America Character Analysis Essay

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America America is a beautiful seventeen year old girl from Tepoztlan in Mexico who crossed the border with her brother-in-law to the US to make a better living, things did not go according to plan and this led to some actions and reactions that summed up bringing out her inner character. The character America has an interesting perspective on her decision making process which one can attribute to many factors of her culture, origin and I believe her age. America is a strong willed character with an attitude of not backing down even with lots of resistance and possible damaging consequence, her first reaction to most situation is to satisfy her undying thirst for independence and liberation. Independence for a seventeen year old teenager in a world she has no knowledge about can lead her to do many unimaginable things. She has ambitious dreams, dreams of success (The American Dream), luxury served on a silver platter which was molded by the numerous movies and novels she watched and read growing up in Mexico. Some also shaped by what she has witnessed growing up, most of the men who travelled from Tepoztlan …show more content…

She is a seventeen year old in her prime who feels immortal because she has a long life to live, therefore decision making are not based on careful planning but emotions, peer pressure and fantasies. Risk taking from a teenager normally comes from poor judgement, why would America take the decision of leaving the comfort of her home to go to a country which is mainly travelled by the men in her town? Why did she leave with the most unlikely candidate, her brother-in-law? In adversity her first yearn was for her mother’s touch, her food and her home, the fragile little girl in her cries for a mother touch when times are hard because that’s what she is used to, mom handling the

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