Intuition And Cognitive Process

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There are two systems of cognitive process, intuition and reasoning, that can be understood through distinguishing characteristics. System 1, intuition, is a defined by the fast, emotional, associative, and effortless ability to process cognitive information. Since this process is effortless, it does not cause much interference. These characteristics can also be used to define perception. System two, reasoning, is defined by its slow, rule-governed, and flexible mode of operations. This system is tasked with monitoring mental operations and overt behavior. However, this system can be subject to dual- task interference. The two systems overlap in content. Both can be brought about by language and events. Kahneman defines accessibility as a “natural assessment,” because of the evaluation of a stimuli as good or bad coming from perception memory. Accessibility is known as the amount of work required for a …show more content…

Two types of prototype heuristics are of extension neglect and monotonicity. In extension neglect, the mind does not grasp the size of a set and make adjustments to a larger set. This is shown by Desvousges et. al (1993). They found that even when they multiplied the amount of birds, that a household could save by donating money, by 10x and 100x the original amount, the increase in funds did not reflect the same increase. On the other hand, monotonicity is when the sums add up to the highest value. In one experiment, the researcher had participants price silverware sets. A small set had less pieces than a large set, but the large set had some broken pieces, but still more good condition pieces than the small set. When participants were not exposed to both sets, they would decrease the value of a large set to be smaller than the value of a small set. However, when participants were exposed to both conditions, they would report a higher value price for the large set (Hsee,

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