The Summoning Of Everyman Essay

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The didactic play, “The summoning of Everyman…,” reminds the audience “That of our lives and ending shows”, stand as merely a transition [transitory] from one realm to the next (Lines 4-6). The messenger further reiterates though “…sin in the beginning tastes [full] sweet… in the end causeth the soul to weep” (Lines13-14). However, unlike most morality dramas, Everyman begins with the death of the protagonist. Mankind, “Drowned in sin, [they] knows [ me not for] not their God, In worldly riches…, They fear not [my] his righteousness and sharp rod” (Lines 26-28). Lamenting over man’s continuing Fall from Grace, God commands that Death summon “every man…in His name”, to stand before Him and “bring with him a sure reckoning” of his life on earth (Lines 66-68, and 70). …show more content…

Discovering Everyman, Death informs him that he must account for consuming his and mind with the “loveth of riches” and “fleshly lusts”, forgoing the adoration deserving of Him “in the heavenly sphere” (Anonymous, Line 76, 82, 95). Pleading with Death, who “comest when he [I] had thee least in mind”, Everyman attempts to barter for additional time to prepare for his imminent demise. Defiantly, Death replies, “Without any advisement... make yourself [thee] ready soon [shortly], for no man living may scape away” (Anonymous Lines 180,183,184). Following the exodus of the character Death, the playwright introduces a series of thespians portraying abstract social and moral ideals: Fellowship, Kindred, Cousin, and

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