Character Analysis Of Aja Houston's Life

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The protagonist is Aja Houston. She grew up in Middletown Delaware. She was the oldest out of three daughters. She considered herself the "experimental “child. Her parents were very young when they started a family. Her mother struggled to graduate high school because she got pregnant with Aja and biological father never step up and decided to stay in the streets collecting drug money. Houston was very lucky that at age two her mother found the man of her dreams and he was said to be one of the greatest gifts god had given her. She had a very special bond with her beautiful mother she was her first child, who she had raised alone for two years with the support of her mother and grandmother. Her mother was a very strong minded independent woman …show more content…

Her parents were fundamentalist in their religion beliefs and commitment to straightening their family financially. Her parents worked hard and were money driven. Houston 's parents attended church regularly. Her mother worked hard to teach Aja about morals and ethics. She often felt that she was the try and error child. Her parents often made things very difficult for her but this allowed for her to grow and learn to compromise at a young age. She remembers always being strong minded and determined. Her younger sisters often envied her not realizing that she normally had to go through a lot of loop holes to get and it end up not being what she needed. She often ruined opportunities for her younger sisters who would complain that she always got what she wanted and they did …show more content…

She believed it wasn’t until her junior year in college when she was enlightened and found meaning for her own life, which was simply to take part in a non-western approach and help bring change to her society for the greater good. Houston 's mean focus was on the mind and promoting happiness. Although she does not believe that there is one definition for happiness because it is a unique and we all experience differently have. She believes that happiness could be achieved. When a person has minimum all stress and removed materialistic objects and relationship dependency. People need realize their own self potential and innate worth. She felt that many peoples ego is created by other people. People behave the way they think society wants to. Appealing others rather than doing what truly makes them happy and not allowing the options of others to justify their innate worth. A person must begin to experience the good in living and what life truly has to offer them to be

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