The Stolen Party By Liliana Heker

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Young individual’s perspectives change and mature as they go through experiences, both good and bad. In the short story, “The Stolen Party,” written by Liliana Heker, Rosaura’s childish view and enthusiasm is stolen from her. Initially Rosaura stubbornly argues with her female parent that she is getting to the birthday party as an invited friend. As the story progresses Rosaura is over confident as she is consistently called upon by Senora Ines to help host the party. Towards the end, Rosaura figures out that she was taken advantage of and discriminated against because of her socioeconomic class. Therefore, Rosaura’s experience of the party changes her positive perspective about rich people to a negative one, causing her to mature. Initially Rosaura stubbornly argues with her mother that she is going to the birthday party as an invited friend. Rosaura accuses her mother of being unjust toward her friends “simply because they were rich.” Since her mother had experienced discrimination before she felt that Rosaura was not a true guest. Rosaura cannot understand how or why social position matters in friendships. She would …show more content…

Luciana had told Rosaura that there was going to be a monkey at the party. When she was at the house Senora Ines allowed no one else but Rosaura to see it because she was behaved and the only child who knew “her way around the house.” Rosaura had already been feeling special, but was even more surprised when Senora Ines gave her the privilege of “[managing] the jug of orange juice.” On top of the orange juice and seeing the monkey first, Rosaura’s mood was once again inflated when Senora Ines gave her the job of being “queen.” She had the “power over her subjects” while handing out slices of cake. In Conclusion, Senora Ines singles Rosaura out from the other guests and all the while Rosaura continues to build false

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