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Introduction of single mothers
Introduction of single mothers
Welfare help for single mothers
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Recommended: Introduction of single mothers
There is a stigma associated with women that are supported by government aid, especially single mothers. The women on welfare are often treated poorly because people think they are ‘working the system’. Tax payers feel as if the single mothers on welfare perpetuated their own poverty by having children that they cannot support, just for a bigger welfare check. They often assume that these women do not work and just live off government handouts. I know of mothers that fit this stereotype; adults still living in their parents houses, rent free, with several children from multiple fathers. The women I know do not work and they are hardly good parents. They fit the description of the stereotypically single mother on welfare; they are lazy and selfish and trying to get more aid than they actually qualify for.
There are experts who have extensively studied the relationship between women and welfare. These experts have educational backgrounds in political science, economics, sociology, women and gender studies and law and policy. The authors that most effectively deal with the problem of societies condemnation of women on welfare have studied in the fields of women’s studies and sociology; Joanne Goodwin, Diane Purvin and Kathleen Mullan Harris, Charles Reich, respectively.
Joanne Goodwin’s research and teaching interests are in 20th century U.S. history with a specialization in women and gender history. Her major publications include: Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform the Encyclopedia of Women in American History, 3 vols. which she co-edited. Goodwin earned her Ph.D. in U.S. History from the University of Michigan (Goodwin).
Kathleen Mullan Harris is an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of N...
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...c.edu. Aug. 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. .
Harris, Kathleen Mullan. "Work and Welfare Among Single Mothers in Poverty." American Journal of Sociology 99.2 (1993): 317-52. JSTOR. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. .
Purvin, Diane M. "At the Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Social Welfare Policy and Low-Income Women's Vulnerability to Domestic Violence." Social Problems 54.2 (2007): 188-210. JSTOR. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. .
Purvin, Diane M. "Diane M. Purvin." LinkedIn. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. .
Reich, Charles A. "Individual Rights and Social Welfare: The Emerging Legal Issues." The Yale Law Journal 74.7 (1965): 1245-257. JSTOR. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. .
To begin with, there are many events in United States history that have shaped our general understanding of women’s involvement in economics, politics, the debates of gender and sexuality, and so forth. Women for many centuries have not been seen as a significant part of history, however under thorough analyzation of certain events, there are many women and woman-based events responsible for the progressiveness we experience in our daily lives as men, women, children, and individuals altogether. Many of these events aid people today to reflect on the treatment of current individuals today and to raise awareness to significant issues that were not resolved or acknowledged in the past.
Hays, Sharon. (2003). Flat Broke With Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform. New
It seems like the Welfare system treats its recipients with disrespect and shame to discourage them from joining the system. The people who made and run Welfare in the 1990s made Welfare into a blame game and forces recipients to solely blame themselves for their poverty. The moral prescriptions in individually getting rid of poverty according to TANF are the Work Plan/Family Plan. The focuses on work and family are contradictory because of how little time there is to get both goals done and each goal perpetuates the idea that it is the most important part of ending poverty. It seems like Welfare is more about getting people off of Welfare than eradicating poverty. There is a difference in the goals and that is reflected in how the recipients are treated and how Welfare is run.
Domestic violence is a problem in our country with nearly 1 million women experiencing at least one incident of domestic abuse each year, (2009/10 British Crime Survey). Social-program funding is being scrutinized in the current economic climate with doubts as to whether American tax dollars should be used to help victims of domestic violence. Cutting funds for government programs that assist victims of domestic violence is not an option for many reasons. In this essay I will explore some of the many ways these programs help our fellow citizens in order to support the argument for continuing to fund said programs.
The reality that exists for these individuals is different than that which is assumed by many. People assume that recipients are lazy and that they do not want to work, or that they are very promiscuous women who have children in order to continue receiving help from the government. The realities for these...
Through research, personal interviews, and first-hand knowledge, I will demonstrate how the Welfare Assistance Program in New York State is nothing short of a parasite, which drains its recipients of their dignity, ambition and dreams of a better life while disguising itself as temporary aid to those in need. In order to understand this subject, the best place to start is the beginning of the process. To receive benefits, one must first meet eligibility requirements. These requirements are regularly updated and published by The New York Public Welfare Association (New York Public Welfare Association, 2011). The NYPWA states that a social workers review the income, size of family, and demonstration of need of all its applicants. Factors such as medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness, or unemployment are most common need factors seen when reviewing applications.
Blackburn, S (1995) 'How useful are feminist theories of the welfare state?’ Women's History Review, 4(3), pp. 369-394.
Kim E Nielsen. "Book Review of Belle Moskowitz: Feminine Politics and the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred E. Smith, and: No Place for a Woman: A Life of Senator Margaret Chase Smith, and: Barbara Jordan: American Hero." Feminist Formations, Fall 2001, 205.
Schneider, Dorothy. American Women in the Progressive Era 1900-1920. New York: Facts on File, 1993.
Moran, Mickey. “1930s, America- Feminist Void?” Loyno. Department of History, 1988. Web. 11 May. 2014.
Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day, and Robert Funk. 4th Ed. -. Upper Saddle River: Prentice, 1996. 293-307. Hewitt, Nancy. A. "Beyond the Search for Sisterhood: American Women's History in the 1980's.
Thesis: In my paper, I will be examining the different types, possible causes, and effects of Intimate Partner Violence, and what treatments or programs are available to combat this growing problem in America. Regardless of differing approaches to fight it, statistics show that women all across the world suffer from the effects of domestic violence at a similar rate independent of class, race, or religion.
The reduced earnings of women have an impact on 7.4 million households run by single working women. Over two point one million families consisting of working single mothers were considered poor. An added two point four million working single mothers were severely struggling to barely make ends meet. They were falling between 100 and 200 pe...
One of the Biggest Challenges for Women Today: The Feminization of Poverty The division of labour and education along gender lines, racial inequalities and discrimination, and unpaid domestic labour all contribute to the growing feminization of poverty. Feminists are working to decrease the income gap, to benefit the overall health of women and the population at large. The term feminization of poverty describes the disproportionate number of women who are poor, and its link to the division of labour along gender lines (Calixte, Johnson, & Motapanyane, 2010). The Canadian Labour Congress reported that in 2005, women working full time earned 70.5 cents to the dollar that every male in a comparable job earned ( as cited in Calixte, et al., 2010, p. 17). Across the board, women are more likely to suffer from poverty than men are (Harnan, 2006).
Many people nowadays are considered disenfranchised: the mentally ill, homeless, elders and many more. One major group that is often discriminated against are single parents. In recent years there has been a rise of single moms in the United Stated. With the increase of single parent households comes the rise of discrimination towards them. Single moms are often considered unhealthy for society and manipulative. Single mothers are discriminated against in the workforce and at social gatherings, and are often judged by society in general.