The Stateless Rohingya

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The article “The Rohingya: Myanmar’s outcasts” was written by Akbar Ahmed published on 30 January 2012 by Aljazeera. The author mentioned about the Rohingya as being a stateless Muslim minority group. They are considered as foreigners to their own country. They have no rights to stay in their country and many countries around Myanmar do not recognize them because the lack of medial flashing light on them. They have difficulties of being thus ethnic group in Myanmar and when they flee to other countries, they do not get satisfy assistance. The author claimed that every people must be given citizenships without any regard for their race or religion. According to the author’s point of view, I entirely agree that the Rohingyas must be able to stay in Myanmar and have rights to live and work there as citizens. Firstly, the author said that the Rohingyas have no right in their homeland. Base on what the author said, every people must have rights to stay in their country. It is not fair for the Rohingyas who were born there but have no rights to live as citizens. He reported that the Rohingyas were not allowed to own land or property, unable to travel outside their villages, their education and marriages were unacceptable. They worked there as slave as they do not have rights to find jobs. The violence was spread out in Myanmar by that some were raped, tortured, jailed and dead. Many Rohingyas were then forced to flee to neighboring countries such as Bangladesh and Thailand (Ahmed, 2012). According to the author, I truly support his idea as that every people have the rights to receive what they deserve. Clements (2012) said that having citizenship is the key concept of realizing a person’s range of human rights. Citizens have the freedo... ... middle of paper ... ...Myanmar is their homeland so there is no other reason for them to be driven out of their country of birth. Therefore, it is compulsory to give the Rohingyas the citizenship in Myanmar. Works Cited Ahmed A. (2012 January 30). The Rohingya: Myanmar’s outcasts. Aljazeera. Retrieved from Clements K. (2012 October 9). Burma’s Rohingya: beyond the communal violence. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from 2012/198757.htm Myanmar: UN can’t force Rohingya citizenship. (2013 November 21). Journalgazette. Retrieved from news0402 Myanmar: what next for the Rohingyas?. (2012 March 29). IRIN. Retrieved from

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