The Sound Of Music Play Summary

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For this quarters culture project I went to go see the Fremd production of The Sound of Music. The play takes place in Austria during the time of Nazi rule. The play starts with a woman who is trying to become a nun but, all of the other nuns don't think she is capable of being one. So they send her off to be a governess to the kids of a high ranking Austrian military captain. Upon her arrival she quickly notices how strict the captain is as well as how disciplined his kids act. After the captain leaves, the governess has a chance to get to know the kids a bit better and come to realize the kids don't know what singing so her first order of business is to teach them how to sing. After this, she starts to teach and do things that would be frowned upon by the captain. Later in the play the captain returns home to find his kids singing and not wearing their uniforms. At first this upsets him very much but, he is convinced by the governess that he was being too strict and that he should interact with his kids more often. This is the point in the play that they hit to the audience that the captain and the governess start to have feelings for each other. This is also the point in the play that the captain starts drifting away from the "stay and fight mentality" rather than the "run and protect my family" mentality. Just as he was considering fleeing Austria with his family. He get commissioned by the Nazis against his will. The day before he was supposed to start working there is a culture festival which his family was going to be a part of. …show more content…

The similarity between Huck Finn and the end of the play. at the end of the of the play the eldest daughters love interest decides to protect them despite the fact that he was a Nazi specifically looking for them. This made me think of how Huck ran off with Jim and he didn't bring him back or try to get him

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