The Song Of The Scorpion Chapter Summaries

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This novella takes place on the Gulf, where a tremendous amount of people live in brush houses. Kino is a young and strong man with black hair and a thin, coarse mustache. He lives with his wife, Juana, and first child Coyotito. They live peacefully among their neighbors with the Song of the Family at heart. One night after dinner, the Song of the Enemy comes upon Kino. A poisonous scorpion is near Coyotito. Kino tries to stop it, but is too late. The scorpion bites the baby on his shoulder and redness forms immediately. Juana suggests to go to the doctor even though they could not afford it. They leave with Kino’s brother, Juan Tomas and his wife, Apolonia and four children.
They arrive in town where the doctor stays. They went to the doctor's gate, where the servant directs them. Kino feels uncertain with the doctor because he was not of his …show more content…

He finds an ancient oyster and decides to open it last. Kino have gone through many oysters and found no pearls. He comes upon the last one. He opens it and finds the great pearl. The news about Kino spread throughout the town quickly. Everyone became interested in Kino. Kino and his family goes to the doctor now that they have money. The doctor hears of the pearl Kino finds and wants to see them. They arrive at the doctor and gets help. The doctor gives Coyotito a special drink after he explains what might happen to Coyotito if he does not drink it. After the side effect, Coyotito goes to sleep. The family then goes home and rest. during the night, music of evil comes upon Kino for he hears something in the corner of his house. Kino quietly goes where he heard the noise and strike twice with his knife. He feels warm blood on his forehead and tells his wife that “the thing has gone.” Juana wants to get rid of the pearl because she claims the pearl is evil. Kino disagrees and says that he will go sell the pearl the next day and there will be no more

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