The Pearl

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Recently, I read a book named The Pearl. It is a small novel. The diction is pithy and accurate, and the plot is concise and impressive. Generally, a person who find a precious pearl will have a good future. I always think so. But The Pearl tells us the reality is not always so easy. Until now, I only read chapter 1 and 2. The story mainly talks about fisherman Kino, his wife Juana and their baby Coyotito. The author used a lot of words and enviroments to discribe their family, their situation, their character, their reaction and their emotion. But the most impressive role is the doctor in The pearl. In the beginning of The Pearl, Kino’s family represents unlnerable groups or at the poorer members of society and the doctor represents the colonist who has social status or power. John Steinbeck uses the four beggars’ impression for the doctor to show the doctor’s characters. According to Steinbeck said “They knew his ignorance, his cruelty, his avarice, his appetites, his sin. They knew his clumsy abortions and the little brown pennies he gave sparingly for alms.” The doctor’s greedy and cruel image through the beggar’s commentary is more effective than the author states …show more content…

He believes all indigenes are unenlightened, basebred and low. As a doctor, he should unconditionally save other people’s life or health. However, he believes he dosen’t have reponsibility to save humble people as Kino’s baby. According to the doctor said“ Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’? I am a doctor, not a veterinary.” It indicates he thinks he will be a veterinary, if he cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’. Curing Indians is a worthless thing and wasted time. He treats the Mexicans like animals and only care hefty fee. So he relentlessly reject to save Coyotito. Through the conversation between the doctor and his servant, author describes the doctor’s indifference for the poor

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