The Social Problem: Gender Inequality

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Social Problem: Gender Inequality
Gender inequality is the unequal treatment of perception of an individual based on their gender. Gender inequality occurs when gender roles created by society are challenged. This often takes place in the work environment, education system, politics, and domestic duties. For men, gender inequality is common in custody battles. Even the fittest of fathers has a hard time gaining custody of his children against the children’s mother. “83% of mothers receive custody of their children in divorces. (N. 2014.)” The lack of custody equality goes back to a time when women were the homemakers and men were the breadwinners. 30 plus years later, society still has a hard time shaking this mindset. For women, gender inequality …show more content…

(“The Interactionist Perspective.”) In regards to gender, characteristics of masculinity and femininity are a part of daily interactions. Symbolic interactionists believe gender identities are performed rather than assigned. According to the sociologist Erving Goffman, people will “attempt to control the perception of one’s own image. In society, men and women are expected to act in a way that represents their gender. In the event that a man is not perceived as masculine or a woman is not perceived as feminine, their social standings will reflect this perception. (“The Interactionist …show more content…

To prevent gender inequality, individuals with similar behaviors should come together to support each and make a change. Internet forums and communities are a great place to interact with individuals with similar situations or interests. For example, men fighting for custody of their children should create a group to not only emotionally support each other, but to provide social support as well. The more individuals that come together, the more awareness that can be brought to the issue at hand. Women in certain industries or workplaces should band together to make sure both genders are being treated fairly and equally. After all, strength comes in

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