The Social Brain And Its Superpowers Lieberman Summary

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The problem of the correlation of biological and social in one’s personality has for a long time been the subject of competitive debate among psychologists- theorists. Interestingly, before Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, showing that the basis of it is natural selection, the question of the correlation of biological and social in personality was almost not raised. About the origin of man before there were only very vague ideas, mostly implicated in religion and general mysticism. Myers in the textbook “Exploring Social Psychology” mentions that biology influences our social lives a lot. However, social life shapes human’s social life just as much. The textbook states that social life influences both physical and mental …show more content…

Matthew Lieberman’s TED talk: “The Social Brain and Its Superpowers” creates two main ideas, which help the listeners understand the personality perspective from the social neuroscience point of view (The Social Brain and Its Superpowers: Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D. At Tedxstlouis”). The first one is about social pain, that it is just as real as ordinary pain. He states that the specific brain regions responsible for the distress of physical pain are the same for social pain as well. Moreover, Dr. Lieberman states that “Tylenol makes this effect go away, even though this is a medication for heartache.” He states several pieces of evidence to sustain his point of view but he never expands on why it is so and what are both biological and social mechanisms for this. The second point is that human beings are social from birth, which is why Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is incorrect for all the mammals. “The social needs are basic for them, and the physical needs go second”, Dr. Lieberman mentions. Throughout the life span this social interaction ability develops in human beings. Also he suggests the smart evolutionary step, which is a creation of a unique neural network responsible for social thinking separate from all the other brain …show more content…

Cacioppo expands on pain of loneliness since it alerts damage to human beings social body. In fact, isolation is a rival to social existence, even though it is growing within humankind. Loneliness is dangerous for the fact that it increases defensiveness. Another evidence for social factor being closely mixed with biological is that loneliness odds for dying early are higher than even for air pollution, obesity and excessive alcohol drinking. But it remains unclear as to why it is so. Dr. Cacioppo mentions the similarity between animal and human beings in their behavior while being lonely since both of their brains snap into a self- preservation mode. He states that “similarity in neural and behavioral effects across phylogeny is a testimony to the importance of the social environment for social

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