Slavery In Rushforth's A Little Flesh We Offer You?

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When the topic of slavery is brought up, it is usually assumed we are talking about the thirteen million Africans who were captured, transported and enslaved in the Americas but that is not necessarily true. The history of American slavery began long before this. Native American slavery has traditionally been treated as a secondary matter when compared to the African slave trade. Indians were enslaved in large numbers and forced to labor as slaves or in other forms of servitude. They would do many different tasks ranging from working on a plantation to working in mines to working like a slave in domestic settings. Native Americans were used as slaves for as long as they could but until the number of European immigrants began to rise at an alarming rate. The arrival of Europeans and their disease and tools for war caused a drastic drop in the number of Native Americans as a whole, thus creating the …show more content…

They formed alliances with Indians through a system of gift giving and compromise and developed Indian slavery that “transformed thousands of Indian men, women an children into commodities of colonial commerce in French settlements.” These two systems were integrally related to one another in the sense that the French learned to accept Indian captives as gifts from their Indian allies. This was a form of trade for them but also allowed the French to have a form of slave labor. These Native American slaves proved to be essential to the colonial economy and served as millers, domestics, farmers, and semi-skilled hands in urban trade and dock loaders. This type of slavery became so essential to the French and its colony that Louis XIV was considering legalizing it in New France even though it was illegal in Louisiana and the French

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