The Shawshank Redemption

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The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption" is a movie about time, patience and loyalty,

which is about how two men serving life sentences in prison become

friends and find a way to fight off despair.

The scene I am studying is the one when Andy escapes from the

Shawshank prison.

The main actors in this film are Tom Robbins as Andy Dufresne, Morgan

Freeman as Red and Bob Gunton as Warden Norton.

Settings are an important factor in a scene. The setting can give

clues to what is going to happen next in the film. The setting in this

film plays a big part in this film. The settings in the prison can be

totally different to the setting in other places. For example the

prison cells are dark, tiny, cramped, there is a tiny window, no

privacy and the only view is inwards. In contrast the wardens office

is much more luxurious, the room is spacious, tidy, comfortable, big

window. The big window represents the freedom where as in the cells

there is a tiny window. The pipe, which Andy escapes from, is

claustrophobic, dark and foul smelling. Only absolute desperation

would make someone do this. This represents his final trial. From this

kind of setting the audience can see how bad the living condition of

the prisoners really are. It also shows that the wardens live in a

mansion compared to the prisoners.

Costumes can easily affect the scene. They can tell the audience the

status of a person. If the person in dressed smartly then he or she is

usually a professional. The warden wears a suit, this shows his

importance and power in the prison. He is dressed smartly, and he can

wear what he wants, he is not bound by immediate aut...

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special effects. The only special effects are the thunder lightning.

The lightning helped Andy escape. This shows the audience that nature

helped Andy escape.

The poster is very vital, it hides Andy's escape routes, and without

this there would not be an escape. The bible is also very helpful,

this hides the rock hammer. These two items are very important in the


I think this scene is effective, it shows suspense, anger and power

being lost. At the end of scene they narrate the story very well, this

fills all the gaps in the audiences mind. I did not like the film as a

whole, some scenes where excellent but I thought the film just dragged

on, just get to the point. I also thought it was predictable, I think

you predict that Andy was going to escape. These are the reason why I

did not like the film.

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