The Seven Times Fool

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The teaching about “seven times seventy” and the parable about the limitless forgiveness of the king is a profound parable about God’s overwhelming grace and abundant forgiveness.
There is no bottom to the well of God’s forgiveness.
There is no way that we can repay God for the enormous debt that His Son paid for our sin. Some of our sins are deep-seated habits that are repeated endlessly and when we ask God to forgive our oft-repeated sins, God does.
It's a tremendous grace considering what God does with our confessed sins. He doesn't send our sins to a temporary recycle bin, just in case He needs to remind us of them later. They're totally removed from the hard drive!
God’s forgiveness is so infinitely and unfathomably great that such forgiveness should inspire us to forgive the people who hurt us in this life. We are invited to have the same attitude towards others’ sins as God has to our sins. …show more content…

Jesus teaches us that we are not to seek revenge, but to forgive our brother and sister “seven times seventy”.
Seven times seventy! There is both power and symbolism in that number. It represents infinity – limitlessness and unfathomable. The number, seven times seventy, reverses the seventy-seven in Genesis 4:24: If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.
Jesus is teaching to forgive by reversing the statement of Lamech in Genesis 4.
The phrase “seventy-seven” refers to the number of times a person gets revenge. Jesus breaks that cycle of hate and revenge. Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:22 intentionally reverse the cycle of human revenge.
Forgiveness trumps revenge in God’s blueprint for life.
Friend, “Seven times seventy”… these words are deeply embedded in our Christian memory bank. How do we apply this to our own daily

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