The Selfish Gene Critical Essay

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The Selfish Gene Critical Analysis Paper In 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution in a book that we know today as the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859). In 1865, Gregor Mendel, unaware of Darwin’s discoveries, published his results of his genetic experiments with pea plants along with his laws of genetic inheritance, which has earned him the title as the Father of Genetics (“Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)”). Finally, in 1976, Richard Dawkins compiled all the nuts and bolts of the research collected before his time and carefully and skillfully produced The Selfish Gene (Dawkins 1989). In the book, he begins with a quick biological history lesson, and then goes into the creation of the first genes. Through this, Dawkins introduces …show more content…

However, with the description of the gene, the theory becomes much focused on the singular role of a gene in natural selection. If we take a watch, for example, entire watch is driven by a mechanical spring; however, the force from that spring that, once transmitted through a series of gears, ultimately adjusts the time that we see. The gears are the once doing the adjusting (Mechanical Watch …show more content…

By simplifying the idea, the topics became much more understandable by the public, which allowed it to gain traction. However, the issue with Dawkins book is that times have changes, so while his points are not wrong, they are just no longer 100% accurate. Michael Eisen a computational biologist at Berkeley stated, “It rose simply because it was easier to identify individual genes as something that shaped evolution. Nevertheless, that is about opportunity and convenience rather than accuracy. People confuse the fact that we can more easily study it with the idea that it’s more

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