The Second-Leading Cause Of Suicide In College Students

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The second-leading cause of death in college students and tenth in the world is easily preventable with the correct information being spread. Preventing suicide begins with a more universal understanding of why it occurs and how it impacts everyone. It’s important when entering a new environment like college that it can affect people’s moods. Environmental factors can trigger suicidal thoughts. Stressful, unfamiliar environments like the college setting is a perfect example of this. Also, outside factors such as alcohol and drugs, that are readily available at college, can also increase suicidal thoughts. The rate of suicide is 10.9% for people of the ages 15 to 24, which is the age range of college students. With all of these factors culminating into one environment, everyone should know the warning signs of suicide and how to deal with them. …show more content…

If a person is talking about feeling like a burden or without purpose, feeling trapped or an unbearable pain or outright killing themselves, one should seek help that is listed at the end of this. Also, one should seek help if someone is overly aggressive or reckless, using more drugs or alcohol than usual, oversleeping or not sleeping enough, saying goodbye to others, getting rid of prized possessions, isolating themselves from family, friends, and activities, or actually buying or looking for materials for their suicide. It’s also important to pay attention to a person’s mood, and if they seem depressed, anxious, embarrassed, disinterested, overly irritable or angry or a mix of any of those, they may be contemplating suicide. Any of the above symptoms could indicate a “reaching out” for someone to notice and help them through this difficult

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