The Sacrament Of Baptism In The United Methodist Church

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The Sacrament of Baptism is a gift of grace that brings us into union with God, the church, and the Christian community. God’s plan since the foundation of the of the earth to enter into a covenant with all inhabitants, in order to bless them. The New Testament Covenant is established through Jesus Christ and consist of baptism by water and the spirit. Gayle Carlton Felton wrote a book, by Water And The Spirit, and she shares about the tradition of Baptism in the United Methodist Church. Wesley plays a major role in helping shape the doctrine of The United Methodist Church, an Anglican Divine and Theologian from England who was never a member of the United Methodist.
“The United Methodist Church is diverse …show more content…

It is essential that the maturing child be carefully nurtured in spiritual development and intentionally taught about the Christian faith and the life of discipleship. Otherwise, the baptismal grace will be like seeds sown on stony ground” (Felton 1997). Before the infant can be baptized; the Pastor need to be sure they will be nurtured by parents, grandparents, guardians and the church. However, if there is not an environment where the child can be nurtured and grow spiritually, then the baptism should not take place. The Pastor should postpone the baptism until the appropriate age or the child becomes age where they understand the significance of the baptism. Infant Baptism exist only for infants that are going to be properly nurtured in …show more content…

The identity of Christ is not revealed to the disciples until the breaking of the bread, the disciples' eyes are opened. The scriptures are being fulfilled by Jesus and the disciples are the ones who carry the good news forward to others. We have a communion table located in our church with the words across the front of it saying in remembrance of me. The Lord’s supper reflects our understanding of the Trinatarian, and the people believing that Christ is present in the Sacrament is vital for God to reveal his mighty acts in our presence.
The Sacrament of Communion has five parts of the opening dialogue, in our United Methodist Hymnals begins with a dialogue between the Pastor and Congreation.
Secondly, Thanksgiving and Communion, the breaking of the bread and cup. God is addressed and given thanks for all that he has done. For the gift of Salvation and the deliverance out of captivity. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, O

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