The Roles of Women in Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces

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Throughout your entire life you will change immensely. From the child who dreams of being a firefighter or nurse to the adult who retires early from their job, none expected how things turned out. They take many roles in their lives. A woman, as an infant, is the one nurtured and cared for. But when she marries and has her own family she becomes the protector and nurturer. In John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces we can see the many stages of the life of women and the different roles they go through in their lives.

Let us start with Darlene, the youngest seeming of the women in this book. Darlene works at the Night of Joy bar, owned by Lana Lee. Darlene has the mind of a child, a child who still wishes to make it in show business and become a star. She is a very pretty girl who instead of making it to the big time works at a bar, talking to men she doesn’t know, attempting to talk them into buying more drinks and spending more money. Not only is she not cut out for this job, but she doesn’t enjoy it at all. She would much rather perform with her cockatoo on stage. We can see her still grasping at the idea of being a performer, one who is adored by her crowd and has roses thrown at her feet. She is too young to realize the cruelty of the world and know how few people actually live the life we picture as the fabulous life of the modern actor. Darlene is the hopeful young women full of dreams.

Next is Miss Myrna Minkoff, who appears to be slightly older than Darlene. Myrna is the woman who knows how “bad” the world is and attempts to change it into what she believes would be better. She does this by protesting laws and causing scenes. She is like the college students that run around and give out flier...

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...y old and should have been retired many years ago. She still works at Levy’s Pants and every day asks to be retired. With old age, she has lost her memory and possibly some of her sight. She has come into work with her nightgown on, and even believes that Ignatius was a woman named Gloria! Miss Trixie is the senile woman who has lost much of her life.

The role of women has changed throughout history. We used to be the gatherers who also tended to the children. Then we were the baby sitters and home makers doing the cooking and the cleaning. Now we are the working women of modern day America , with families, jobs, children and cooking under our belts. Our roles in the world have grown significantly since the dawn of human kind, but even in our lives today we have many smaller roles which we accept and grow into. What will be the next role for women?

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