The Role of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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The Role of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare some time between

1603 and 1606 and is set in Scotland around 1040. The time it was

written coincides with the reign of King James the First of England.

King James showed a great interest in witches and powers of the

supernatural and Macbeth was arguably written to impress the king in

what were violent times. Shakespeare used witches as pivotal

characters to create a catalyst for the action that was included in

the play. Another reason for him to use witches in this way is that it

is an attention grabber and will interest people, at the time Macbeth

was written people believed that witches had many powers, they were

thought to be able to change form into things like cats, owls and

other animals, they were thought to be able to change or influence,

and predict the weather and they were also thought to be able to bring

disease and misery upon people. It was thought that when witches

transformed they became incomplete animals and this is shown when the

first witch says "and like a rat without a tail". The witches are

introduced into the play immediately and this is a good attention

grabber and helps to set the mood of the play.

The powers of the witches are shown straight away, we are told of the

powers of the witches and how they can change the weather and predict

the future. These things aren't actually proven and the witches are

thought of to be equivocators. The witches are made to sound more evil

and witch-like by the fact they speak in a different way to the rest

of the characters in the play, most of the play is written in ...

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... in achieving a good

atmosphere and in creating the evil beings.

At the end of the play Lady Macbeth goes completely mad and commits

suicide, and Macbeth's nightmare comes true and he is informed that

Birnan Wood is moving towards him, Malcolm's army advances on

Dunsinane and Macbeth is finally shown up by the witches as the

prophecies he thought could never come true, have finally happened.

Macbeth is the only person who can be held responsible for his

downfall, he shouldn't have trusted the witches and have presumed

things so much, all shows that you shouldn't try and change the future

because it can't be done. The witches only brought out Macbeth's evil

side, but it was there to be brought out and it didn't really take a

lot. It shows that Macbeth was very self absorbed and was not really

loyal to his kingdom.

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