The Role of Phaeacia in the Odyssey

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The Role of Phaeacia in the Odyssey The episode with Phaeacia begins where Odysseus has been away from his home for twenty years, and is longing to return to Ithaca and Penelope. This book is very important and involves certain tests for Odysseus to come across. At the beginning of this book, we are told that the princess, Nausicaa, is described as “tall and beautiful as a goddess.” Alcinous as good as offers Odysseus his daughter for marriage to him by saying he would be lucky to have Odysseus n his family. This is a test for Odysseus because he has to decide whether to stay here on this magical island, but he refuses to be tempted, and still chooses to try and return to Ithaca. Nausicaa is described as a goddess, and this island is very close to the Gods’. This is important, because Phaeacia does not ever involve themselves in wars or conflict with any other communities or islands, and the people were very close to the Gods’ which is in contrast to Odysseus. For instance Odysseus is far from feeling close to the God’s, but as we learn, Athene is constantly helping him so he is involved with the God’s, and Poseidon made him go off course so he is very much involved with the Gods, just as Phaeacia is. On the other hand, we know that Odysseus is considered a “war hero” and spent ten years in conflict at Troy, before trying to return home, which is completely the opposite to the Phaeacian people. This book seems to be important also, because it contains one of the vital motifs in this story, of marriage. Athene comes to Nausicaa and says to her, “you may soon be married”, which is trying to bring her into Odysseus’ future, but thi... ... middle of paper ... ... episode plays a very important part because, the telling of his story, makes the people feel for Odysseus and helps him on his way home. If it weren’t for the Phaeacians’, there was a chance that Odysseus would never actually return home. When Odysseus is finished his tales, they were all “held ion the spell of his words they all remained still and silent” just again proving that he is a wonderful storyteller. After twenty years he finally returns to his home island, and not empty handed, he returns with great wealth given to him by the Phoenicians. This episode is very important and adds to the magical hint, because Odysseus has been struggling to return for twenty years, and failed and suddenly he is returns easily, with great wealth, left in a cave in a magical sleep, with the goddess Athene looking over him.

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