The Role Of Women In Katey Schultz's Flashes Of War?

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Do you believe all women are smart enough to get an education or strong enough to go to war? In countries like Afghanistan and even America, there is a preconceived notion that women are simply best for bearing children, raising them, cleaning, and cooking for their husbands. From a young age, many women are given gendered roles, such as being taught by society to find husbands and care for children. For instance, girls are given baby dolls and kitchen sets for their birthdays instead of books. In Flashes of War, by Katey Schultz, the two stories “Deuce Out” and “Aaseya and Rahim” the protagonists Stephanie and Aaseya may live in different worlds, but they share much more than we think. Because of predetermined expectations that society has imposed upon women, Schultz’s book comes to a surprise since it defies pre-conceived notions of women. …show more content…

Stephanie misses her brother terribly and feels useless at home while he serves in the Army. In fact, she says, “All I wanted was for someone to shout orders in my face—anything to break the silence with some clear directions” (100). Dustin was her only friend and even though she compares her life with Dustin by stating, “I knew the Army had to be hard work, but being left behind felt even harder” (99). Before Stephanie’s 18th birthday, she makes the decision to enlist. Stephanie trains and studies intensely for the Armed Services Vocation Aptitude and Battery Test, as well as her physical test. She passes her test with flying colors and is placed into her first choice career, bridge crewmember, just like Dustin; Stephanie is deployed to

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