The Role Of Positivity In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Positivity is a very important emotion that will help to live a healthy life. Instead of being sad and getting angry, people should just be enthusiastic because it can make life much easier. Someone with this outlook on life is the Host. He always is very nice and has a good attitude; because of this he tries to spread his cheer. The Host is the character that really starts to develop the story. He is the one that brings up the idea of the tale-telling game. The passage explains the Host as a jolly guy – large, with piercing eyes, fit "to been a marchal in a halle". In “The Canterbury Tales” the reader cannot discover what the Host is wearing because it never mentions it in the passage. The reader can infer that he wears clothes that a normal person middle class would wear. …show more content…

This is why he gets upset when the pilgrims tell stories about death and tragedy, like the Physician or the Monk. He always thoroughly enjoys stories that are comedic like the Nun’s Priest’s story. The Host also takes all the stories seriously and he becomes emotionally invested in them. After listening to the Physician’s tale the Host declares “"a draughte of moyste and corny ale / or but I heere anon a myrie tale"(Pardoner's Introduction 29–30). Because of how serious he takes the tales, he is quick to draw lessons from each tale that is told. He says that the merchant’s story proves all the negative stereotypes of

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