The Role Of Perfection In Black Swan

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Black Swan is a movie of a ballet that portrays ones struggle to surpass the restrictions that one has established to reach perfection. The main character is a hardworking, moral, daughter to a prideful controlling mother, who wants nothing but success; she finds that the only way for her to get that success must lose herself by turn in to an immoral, envious, super competitive person that ends up battling with her inner being, between what is right and what is wrong as she strives to become the lead role in the ballet. The movie conveys that to archive ones desires that one must let go of control and lose one’s self. Her Director conveys this in what he says "When I look at you, all I see is the white swan", he says. “Perfection is not just about control, it’s about letting go." …show more content…

The main Character being completely consumed with dance and want the lead role of the upcoming play; in which it requires the dancer to be able to play 2 different persona , the White Swan innocence and grace, and the Black Swan devious and

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