The Road Theme Essay

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This passage reveals how the author used death as one of the major themes in The Road. The author describes death through the surroundings such as “crops dead and flattened.” Death starts to become a key factor later in the book by making good memories and sceneries seem like death. The man starts to have these reoccurring dreams of his wife and how life was before the incident. However he considers theses dreams the call of death. Death is what drives the father and son on their journey for survival. This passage reveals the utter catastrophe that struck the world. No “godspoke men” exist on the man and boys journey. The phrase “Godspoken men” might hint towards the prophets, which Ely’s statement says later in the novel. All the ‘prophets’ have disappeared, taking the world with them, as well as …show more content…

This passage reveals how the author describes the “absolute truth of the world.” Everything looks cold and depressing. The author emphasizes that the world is intestate, which is a word to describe someone who died without leaving a “will” behind. A barren land is described, as earth has no future anymore. Survival is scarce, and a challenge. The earth is described as a “crushing black vacuum of the universe.” The two hunted animals most likely represents the boy and the man who are witnessing this lifeless world with their own eyes. They must survive in any means possible. This passage reveals a touching conversation between the man and the boy. As the man dies, he tells the boy to continue the journey, and to survive and “carry the fire”. This fire that the man is talking about comes from within oneself. This fire the boy possesses reflects the theme of hope and human flexibility which was found throughout the novel. The boy carries the fire throughout the novel. No matter what situation the man and son went through, whether it be a narrow escape or not, he always seeks to help others in

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