The Relationship Between Calpernia And Barry In Soldier's Girl

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Soldier’s Girl (2003) was an extremely interesting movie. My unfamiliarity with the transgender community and the army made me curious about the characters of Calpernia and Barry. I found Calpernia fascinating right from the start of the film. Dramatic and romantic characters alway interest me, and Calpernia definetly has a flair for the dramatic; wearing glittery dresses and working as a showgirl. Her speech at the opening of the movie captivated me and arose my interest in Barry’s relationship with her. The relationship between the two was sweet and supportive. Calpernia’s worry about Barry’s treatment by Fisher and Barry support of Calpernia's pageant were two of many moments that showcased their supportive relationship. Barry’s complex …show more content…

The first meeting between the two main characters occurs in a bar when Barry and his friends visit one night. Their initial meeting and subsequent awkward conversation as they introduce themselves is commonplace in the beginning of a relationship. Introductions between people are always awkward because they fear being judged for their behavior consequently so they converse politely. Barry’s and Calpernia’s first call is fraught with shyness as they both feel nervous about their desire to meet again. Early on in every relationship there is hesitation to arrange dates because the relationship may not develop further. Like many women, Calpernia experiences insecurity about the depth of Barry’s feelings for her. In the scene where she argues with Barry, Calpernia believes he has found a new lover but Barry never considers that idea. Also, like most couples Barry and Calpernia argue with each other. They argue over whether Barry loves Calpernia for her personality or if he is experimenting and about whether to visit Calpernia's parents. These disagreements do not cause major strife between them because Barry and Calpernia halt the arguments before they get out of hand. Calpernia accuses Barry of cheating when he tells her he cannot go to the upcoming pageant. However, when he finally breaks down due to the harassment he faces at the barracks after she asks if he knows whether he is gay or not, Calpernia avoids antagonizing Barry with more invasive questions. Lastly, typically of most romantic affairs, Barry and Calpernia support each other in their goals. They exemplify a loving, supportive relationship when Calpernia helps Barry study for his exams and Barry encourages her to continue competing in the pageant. Society would greatly benefit from learning about transsexuals because they would develop a better understanding of their diverse world. On her website,

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