The Refomation

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The Refomation

The Reformation all began in the fall of 1517. It was the eve of All Saints' Day, 31 October 1517. On this day a professor of biblical studies Martin Luther at newly founded University of Wittenberg in Germany. He stated his arguments in the 95 Theses. They were heavily academic, and moderate in tone, the news of this spread like wildfire throughout Europe. Within a fortnight university's and religious center were agog with excitement. Marvelled that a monk from an unknown university stirred the whole of Europe. The 95 Theses were not by any means intended to call the reformation.

They were simply a proposal from a earnest university professor, he discusses the theology of indulgences, in the light of the errors and abuses that have grown over the centuries. The dealing of the holy trade had grown into scandal. Luther wanted to oppose that all the additions and perversions of indulgences, that were harmful to human salvation and infected in everyday practice of the church. Medieval people were a very dread of the period of punishment in

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