Key Events in the Reformation

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Thesis Statement: These key events reforming religion are what shaped the world for good and for bad in the 14th to the 19th century. The Reformation was full of war and inventions that many had never seen before, affecting the religious and social political systems in positive and negative ways. The first event in the Reformation was the Printing Press. The Printing Press enabled the circulation of the bible, starting the spread of Christianity and the Catholics. The Printing Press was created by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450. Before the Printing Press the bible had to be printed by hand, which meant that the copies had to be written word for word. Because they had to be written word for word only the important people had them such as Popes and other religious leaders. Therefore everyone would gather together somewhere and listen to the one man with the bible preach the word. This limited some from learning the word because of the language barrier. At the time all the bibles printed where in the Latin language. So they had a translator and copies of the bible in many other languages. Technological advantages of the 15th century enabled the spread of the word all over Europe, serving as a catalyst for reform leaders of the 16th century. Martin Luther is the creator of the 95 Theses which was a major document in the Reformation. The 95 Theses “protest against the sale of indulgences and clerical abuses.” Indulgences state that one can pay for the sins they committed, and also for the sins that will be committed in the future. Even though the 95 Theses rejects indulgence it states that you may be renewed through Christ and you can be baptized to do so. Luther argued that the Christians were being wronged and being tricked into thes... ... middle of paper ... ...the 95 Theses reject that indulgences are real, it believes you can be baptized and renewed in Christ. Ulrich Zwingli was another important man as he set the demise of Catholicism, and started a war with the Roman officials. Henry VIII was notorious not only for killing all of his wives but also the Reformation in England where he stated that he will be the only authority of the church. Henry VIII made himself the authority of the church so he could re-marry. Prior to this the Pope would not allow him which led to Henry being the only authority of the English Churches. The Council of Trent fought to help Martin Luther and the rest of the reformers. The Counter Reformers and the Catholic Church fought to become more spiritual, educated, and literate. Works Cited Western Civilization. Jackson Spielvogel. 8th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2012. 1040 pp. Chapter Overview

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