The Reflection Of Teaching And Learning

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Prior to this course, teaching was a field that I thought of as rewarding, challenging and exciting. After the completion of the assignments, teaching is much more than just a classroom full of energetic and playful children. The material given in the class about child development rationalized the complications involved with teaching children. Educators must effectively work around several factors in order to assist children in reaching their potential in all domains. Teachers must face with children’s similarities, differences and meet state requirements for each child in their classroom. Teaching and learning is a necessity in all schools however, to do it successfully where children are compelled to learn outside of school is a skill that …show more content…

Each student enters school with an understanding of their environment based on their culture. As they get older, their views and beliefs are strengthened and used in the classroom setting. Teachers must be aware of children’s background because it can affect the way they learn and interact with others. Cultural differences need to be taken into account when working with students because it may be the reason behind certain behaviors. Children who come from collaborative cultures may enjoy group projects more so than completing independent tasks. Those whom value autonomy may dread working with others in a group. Educators must be willing to welcome the various cultures to ensure children feel comfortable in a setting away from home. Additionally, teachers work with the differences in motivation between children. Children may be inclined to learn for extrinsic factors as opposed to intrinsically which may affect how they engage in completing assignments, their eagerness to learn and self-determination. Teachers can remark on the controllable factors for their successes to reassure children that they are capable at succeeding. Children should be encouraged to aim for specific goals because the goal becomes attainable. Other challenges teacher may have to overcome are the various ways children’s social skills develop. Teachers have to equip …show more content…

After this course, there are many elements of teaching that I had not considered before. Similarly, learning was just something you do but there are many factors that influence how we learn, why we continue to pursue learning and elements that may hinder that. This course offered a glimpse of the complexities that are involved with child development and how much educators have to monitor so that children develop at their highest potential. Sometimes teachers have to manage children’s behavior that may be out of their control and become flexible so that they can work productively with their students. It’s a rewarding field that doesn’t receive the credit that it should because the amount of work that is put in is extensive. Teachers have to combat different variables in order to provide students with a knowledge that prepares them for the next grade and to be a prominent member in their

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