The Reflection Of Nicolò Machiavelli's The Prince

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In late 1513 and early 1514, during a time of extreme political uproar in Florence, Italy, Nicolò Machiavelli wrote the very famous political tract, or handbook as many call it, known as The Prince, to Lorenzo de’ Medici as a guide to help him stay in power. Although Lorenzo protested many of Machiavelli’s recommendations, the now published “book” represents themes such as war craft, virtue, free will, human nature, and goodwill, and to this day remains an epic classic without a disbelieve. Machiavelli’s book The Prince has a very authoritative and convincing voice however a very scandalous tone to it. To this day it has been subject to great controversy regarding its authenticity in terms of its seriousness, many regard the book as having a cynical position in understanding the ideas presented by Machiavelli. Although Machiavelli clearly supports his theories with examples stemming from past-occurred events, it is in no doubt that the author shows a great sense of confidence in his writing. With the thought of others agreeing with the ideas he presented in his guidebook, Machiavelli’s controversial tone is still debatable and debated today. This “tone” is often seen with the author using “I” when defending an argument, or presenting a topic that can be regarded as controversial with no substantial evidence, just based on opinion. There has been no doubt about Machiavelli’s success as a politician, but with the hints of bias in the book, there is no qualm that Machiavelli’s writing is conversational. It can be argued that the style of writing is used to engage the reader and to make the reader feel more involved. Based on this theory, it is safe to say that this so called “application” for a possible job in the Italian government... ... middle of paper ... ...his country, throughout his lifetime he stayed a patriot. Through his thought process, and his theories he was a republican no doubt, he favored diversity, for which he was condemned. What Machiavelli did was vividly describe and portray the truths behind politics and mankind; he was able to reveal what was underneath. Machiavelli was able to demonstrate the evilest, and express what the consequences of wrongdoing were, and although with the reveal of the truth, mankind does not become released and enlightened by any means, the truth prepares people, for what to expect. Like Berlin expresses Machiavelli’s desire to find the “solution” it is almost impossible to attain it however, understanding and preparing for the problem is a step forward an essential, and through his work Machiavelli was able to allow the reader to understand the truth and reveal the reality.

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