The Quality Of Indoor Air Quality

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2.1 Indoor air quality (IAQ)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mentions that Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as quality of the air inside buildings. The concentration of pollutants and thermal conditions can be represented by some factors which are temperature and relative humidity. All of this affects the human health, comfort, and occupants’ performance. IAQ is a state and content of internal air, especially how it affects health and safety of humans. The chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the atmosphere inside of residences and in commercial and institutional buildings are influenced by several ways.
According to Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality (ICOP) 2010, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), good IAQ is needed for a healthy indoor environment. Besides that, poor IAQ can cause a few of health problems ranging from short term to long term. Some people can have and experience of major discomfort which then can become physically ill from the effect of IAQ (ICOP, 2010)
Recent studies by the article of have proven that indoor air quality is generally worse than outside air quality or in other words, outside indoor quality is much better compare …show more content…

Petrochemical plants contribute by the stationary sources more than half of the six most important air pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM10) and sulphur oxide (SO) (Masters, 1998). Major occupational and environmental health effect is cause by the exposure to vapors of volatile chemicals (EPA, 1994). In the form of solid, VOCs are emitted as gasses and it include a variety of chemical which the adverse health effect may have short- and long-term adverse health

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