The Pursuit of Excellence Brings Happiness, Creativity, Human Fulfillment, and Enables Self-Actualization

683 Words2 Pages

Excellence is a distinctive attribute or characteristics possesses by Human being. This characteristic empowers human being to stretch their ability to make a distinction over human. Excellence doesn’t come through culture, wealth, and education. It occurs when a person with right mindset extend his exceptional ability to pursue personal and professional life. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH is an example of excellence. Everyone possesses some skills, talents, and proficiency in particular area, therefore acknowledge the existence, and lives the life of difference.
The pursuit of excellence ultimately brings happiness, creativity, human fulfillment, flow, and enables self-actualization.
Everyone struggles to find happiness in their life. Religion and family has a little part in making us happy. When our basic need meet, then additional income doesn’t increase our satisfaction level. A person with 75000$, and after availing all the delightful things in life which money can buy will feel bore, and dissatisfy after some time. The research has proved that money can make us happy up to the level of our basic needs, but not long term. This also shows happiness does not lay in wealth, youth, education and health etc. After an intense research Seligman comes out with the components of happiness i-e Pleasure, Engagement, and Meaning. Pleasure represents the smiley-face piece. Engagement is the depth of involvement with one’s family, work, romance and work. Meaning is using personal strengths to serve some larger end. Among the three the most important is meaning and engagement. A job with good pay and security with No real interest will help One’s in short term, but in long term it will result in dissatisfaction. Pleasure, Meaning and Engagemen...

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... returns to the Apple and technology develops at Next is at the heart of Apple’s current reissuance. That means the pursuit of excellence enables Self-Actualization.
In the conclusion, we have every reason to pursue excellence because it is not for limited persons. Anyone can pursue excellence. The pursuit of excellence is the best way to live because we have every mean to do excellence. For instance, we have limited time, so don’t waste it in living someone else’s life. “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”- Steve Jobs

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