The Psychopath Test Essay

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The Psychopath Test The Book, The Psychopath Test, by Jon Ronson is about Jon Ronson trying to learn and discover the inside and out of a psychopath. Jon is a journalist who is drawn into the world of psychopathy through a mysterious book that was delivered by an anonymous person to many different types of people. This prompts Jon to look deeper and he comes out thinking that the person who wrote this book is a psychopath. As his story matures he comes across a man named David Shayler. David has been categorized as a psychopath, but not a dangerous one. This allows him to live in the sane world. David shows an enormous amount of passion towards what he is pursuing or trying to get people to believe, but what he is trying so hard for people to believe is not often taken as truth. He is first thought to be a completely normal, great man but later found to actually be a psychopath. He is also certain that this woman was a government worker trying to cover up a government mandated bombing. Finally he is certain that he is the next Messiah and …show more content…

This starts with a man named David Shayler. Everyone who knew or knew of David Shayler believed that he was a great man. They believed that he had few to no flaws, and they were certain that he wasn’t a psychopath. David was an MI5 spy, code-named G9A/1, “He had been at an interagency meeting where an MI6 officer, code-named PT16B, had announced a plan to covertly assassinate the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. (Page 187)” David was an esteemed spy for the British. If he had been presumed as a psychopath, he would not have been in that position. This shows how although someone is certain of something, there is a lot of doubt that comes along with it. David was later found to be a psychopath based on the Bob Hare checklist. The Bob Hare Checklist is a list of twenty items that are scored from 0-2 and added up. If your score is 30 or above then you are deemed a

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