The Pros And Cons Of Work Longer Or Smarter?

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Work longer or smarter?
The discussion between educators and their peers of having longer school days, extended school year, or keeping with the traditional September to June has been ongoing the past few decades. National legislation like the No Child Left Behind and the state influenced Common Core Standards has increased the pressure for students to perform academically on a global scale (Noll, 2013). With the increased demands to educate the youth of America, advocacy groups like the National Center on Time and Learning have begun to influence school districts across the United States (Noll, 2013). Hence, the debate to keep up with global standards through political influence or competition from private and charter schools, public school systems are strongly considering altering the traditional 180 day school to include additional learning time. The question remains, will longer school days accompanied with additional school hours improve student learning or do schools need to work smarter within the 6 ½ hour day, 180 day school year they currently operate?
Does Michigan Extended School Year Equal Performance?
The Education Achievement Authority (EAA) in the State of Michigan was designed to help the top 15 underperforming schools in Michigan with an extended school year of 210 days from 180 along with additional resources (State of Michigan, 2014). The EAA allows students in the underperforming schools to work at their own pace in all subjects. If a student excels in one subject area they can advance their studies and if they are having a challenge in another, they can slow it down in order to better learn. Therefore, the extended school year allows students the extra time to improve on their studies. Results in two...

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Wu, A. D. (2010). Does year round schooling affect the outcome and growth of California's API scores? Journal Of Educational Research & Policy Studies, 10(1), 79-97.

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