The Pros And Cons Of Waterboarding

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On 'Fox & friends,' Trump hammered John Brennan for saying the CIA would by no means again waterboard suspected terrorists
Outraged at 'ISIS humans sitting round, consuming, and talking approximately how this us of a may not allow waterboarding – and that they just chopped off 50 heads'
Brennan advised NBC news: 'i would now not conform to having any CIA officer sporting out waterboarding again'
Trump boasted at some point of a March four debate: 'they're now not going to refuse me ... If I say, "Do it," they're going to do it'

Donald Trump escalated his struggle of words with CIA director John Brennan on Monday, castigating the spymaster for announcing he would never convey returned waterboarding – even under a future president's orders. …show more content…

Trump framed Brennan as a vulnerable relic and a recipe for defeat.
'we're gambling on exclusive fields, and we've got a huge trouble with ISIS, which we cannot beat,' the Republican presidential front-runner stated.
'And the motive we can not beat them is because we can not use strong approaches, whether it is this or different element.'
'So I assume his remarks are ridiculous,' he persevered.
'are you able to consider those ISIS people sitting round, eating, and talking about how this country might not allow waterboarding – and that they just chopped off 50 heads?'

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump's principal GOP White house rival, has additionally signaled a choice to stop President Barack Obama's ban on waterboarding, announcing it falls quick of 'torture.'
Trump has pledged to go back 'a hell of plenty worse' than waterboarding to the toolboxes of america's navy and intelligence forces.
For the duration of a March 4 debate, Trump almost dared navy commanders to threat their careers via standing as much as him inside the face of a waterboarding order.
'They might not refuse. They're not going to refuse me,' he informed Fox news Channel anchor Bret Baier in one televised alternate that

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