The Pros And Cons Of Trump's Muslim Ban

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This fear is carried out today and is shown to still be prolific in the policies our government passes. Moreover, the islamophobia Americans suffer from today can be included into that category. Trump’s Muslim ban is supported on the fear caused by the terrorist attacks on America. People tend to follow the leaders in a society, as most events with mass hysteria had a particular leader that inspired the public to act upon a situation. An example of one of the “leaders” that is trying to inspire the public to act upon is Rep. Peter King. King believes that homegrown terrorism is an ominous threat to this country (Kolker). Which has some truth, because the majority of terroristic attacks that occur in this country are from U.S. citizens. But where King lets the fears of the public manifest is when he points out that not only the radical Islamics should be blamed, but also everyone that is considered a Muslim-American. He is pointed out saying in the article “Peter King’s Muslim Problem”, “On Thursday, March 10, King will preside over the first in a series of special House Homeland Security Committee hearings focusing on what he sees as the rising domestic terror threat posed by …show more content…

By doing this, Trump does make a good point that in order to protect our country, the people who enter this country must be checked before entering. Trump said that, “"I am establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America," (Merica). Trump also said during the signing at the Pentagon after the swearing-in of Defense Secretary James Mattis. ‘We don't want them here’” (Merica). Trump’s purpose of his plan is to eliminate radicals from entering the country, but in order to do that all people that live or come from that area must be prevented as

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