The Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College

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The electoral college started in the year 1804. This mechanism is a group of representatives in the United States who cast votes for the election of a leader or co leader of America. In recent years, there has been a lot of debate amongst citizens of this country on whether or not the process of electing the president is fair. To most, they can agree that something isn't right with the system for individuals in America to vote. There is too much confusion going on and not to point out the total unfairness that some don’t realize. The U.S. presidential election is biased due to the reasoning that it is out dated for its time, senators are valid to hijack the election, and the electoral college gives the Americans a right to vote for the president, …show more content…

Politico continues on to state, "Making this runaround of the Constitution will result in dire consequences for our nation’s ability to choose its top leader fairly and effectively." (Gregg, Gary) This couldn’t be true in any way because how is choosing the leader of the united states even close to fair now than it would be without it? Voting through the popular vote would give citizens a reason and desire to vote because it would be far more trustworthy than what the opposing viewer is stating. The reason for many individuals to not vote is due to the system technically choosing who wins rather than the people themselves. The most effective way for any constitution to be fair is to go by what is voted for the most by the people in the country rather than the selected ones to take the vote which is not helping the smaller states much anymore. This process has not been fair for a good amount of time since the people don’t get what they voted for. For example, IVN points out, "it transforms our democracy into an oligarchy at the highest levels." (Lewis, Bob) Giving the senators the power to vote for who is actually is going to win goes against everything that America has stated about this country being a democracy which means we the people would get a say rather than a small group of people but that isn't what is going on. The statesmen are getting the greater voice; it needs to be recognized before it is too late, and everything goes downhill in this country. The best resolution for this case would only be to get rid of the electoral system because of how unjust this process is and how it is affecting the citizens in American, yet they don’t even know

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