The Pros And Cons Of Smoking Marijuana

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Smoking Marijuana should be banned in our country Smoking marijuana might make people feel good, but it's killing their brain and body. Marijuana should be banned, because it causes people not have a successful life and it weakens the body. Marijuana causes concerning changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood levels. People should stop smoking marijuana right now. Marijuana causes physical damage and it changes the body.“Marijuana’s physical effects include reddening of the eyes, dryness of the mouth and throat, moderate increase in the rapidity of the heartbeat, tightness of the chest”("Marijuana"). The use of marijuana can affect your brain in a negative way. For instance the brain's blood flow is decreased and which can cause loss of brain cells. In addition, smoking marijuana can also lead to bad outcomes and addiction. …show more content…

Every time someone smokes marijuana brain cells are being killed. Marijuana causes discomfort and addiction Some people say chronic use does not establish physical dependence, nor does the regular user suffer extreme physical discomfort after withdrawal. These people are wrong, because studies have shown opposite results. The reason why this is incorrect is because studies prove marijuana is habitual. The use of marijuana has negative effects. Marijuana should be banned in our country because it's bad for your health. Under the influence of drugs, poor decisions and possible regrets are likely to happen. Who would want to destroy their life with drugs. Not someone who wants to have good health and a great

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