The Pros And Cons Of Shoot The Boers

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“Shoot the Boer”, an African National Congress (ANC) song about murdering white South African farmers, is sang by South African political leaders (“Next Refugees for America: White South Africans?”). These so-called leaders are spreading dissension between black and white South Africans, spurring violent murders against white farmers. Attempts to protest the violence has failed because minorities do not have the numbers to hold off the masses. In addition, “The country's constitution is now likely to be amended to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation, following a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema” (Hill, Ben). Displaced from their homes, these Afrikaners need a safe place to go. …show more content…

Afrikaners are Dutch, German, and French Europeans who settled in South Africa. They speak their own Afrikaans language and is also known as “Boers” which is Dutch for “farmers”. Their livelihood has revolved around farming, making them an asset to the trade. The United States would do well to house Afrikaners to benefit from their years of farming knowledge in exchange for the safety America can …show more content…

During this epoch, 1948-1994, The National Party (NP) government operated under the guise of equal development, equal freedom, and cultural expression. Blacks were forced from their lands, silenced, and treated superior to Whites. Under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, apartheid ended with peaceful resolution and resumed for twenty years. Now, South Africa is repeating history. White farmers are paying the for the near twenty-five-year-old debt with their lives and their land. Justice seekers argue it is fitting for the white farmers to pay for what they did and to take back the land that was stolen from them. While history cannot be changed, it does not have to be rewritten. The Apartheid era was unjust, but it does not give anyone the right to murder, steal, or endanger the lives of others because of past

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