The Pros And Cons Of Self Driving

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How do you feel about self-driving cars being on our roads? Advances in technology have allowed us to create these self-driving cars. In a recent article published in 2016 it states many disadvantages to self-driving cars. While they might seem great they could very well experience glitches or shorts, they might be too advanced to save lives in dire situations, and they could be problematic on long distant travels. Those are only a few reasons to why driverless cars should not be on our roads. As was said before, self-driving cars would be a hassle because they could have glitches or shorts. Though technology is getting more advanced it still experiences problems. In the article it compares the car to our computers; they often encounter flaws in their circuiting which can be overlooked by manufacturers. Along with that the car will be expected to endure extreme heat, cold, vibrations, moister, et cetera. In essence, self-driving cars would just be another piece of possibly faulty electronics that shouldn’t be on our roads. …show more content…

As stated in the article the cars would be adhered to abiding by the rules of the road. This could mean that in the need to stray away from the rules the car would not do so. What if there is something in the road or someone runs in front of the car before it can stop? The car won’t be able to register situations like humans would. Many would think that the car's technology will prevent fatal accidents and cause for less lives to be lost. Though the rates of deaths by vehicular accidents might go down a little fraction this is unlikely; the deaths from accidents will still occur technology can not prevent them in every way or forever at that. All things considered, self-driving cars will still play a part in vehicular accidents making them just as dangerous as regular

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