The Pros And Cons Of Same Sex Friendship

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At one time or another, almost every adult individual may have wondered if it is possible for a man and woman to be just friends. This is one of those questions that leave one to ponder. However, it may have been simpler for little boys and girls to play together and call each friend in during their early childhood but during their teen and adult years, the idea of maintaining a simple friendship may become somewhat complicated. The reason is because, as the male and female matures, their feature and body image changes, and often times in these situations the male and female begins to look at one another differently and as a result one or both persons may develop some type of attraction toward other.
The Hypothesis of the study
April Bleske and David Buss are two remarkable psychologists who tested evolution based hypotheses involving the question “can men and women be friends”. The two psychologists focus their study on two hypotheses (1) variation in perceptible costs and benefits of friendship with the opposite sex and (2) variation in perceptible benefits of both, same sex and opposite sex friendship. During the preliminary study (N=400), Bleske and Buss (2000) used application methods to determine same sex and opposite sex friendship.
During the process of the study, 100 adult males and 131 adult females assess the frequency of occurrence of (100) costs and benefits in the most secured same-sex and opposite sex relationships. Also in the process of study (2) 92 adult males and 137 adult females evaluated how the cost and benefits would affect each individual if it were to occur in their secured same sex or opposite sex friendship. Based on these hypotheses, one may perceive the characteristics of friendship as costly and be...

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...benefits. The hypothesis of these finding indicated that both males and females have changed the psychological methods that were designed to direct constraint, choice, and dissolution of opposite-sex friendship. However, the question of “can men and women be friends” is a question that can only be answered by individuals involved in an opposite-sex friendship.
In conclusion, this assignment discusses the hypothesis of the study on costs and benefits and it relates to both, same-sex and opposite-sex friendships. It also discusses the methodology of the study and includes methods, procedures, and other key findings. The focus of the study involved evolution based hypotheses involving the question “can men and women be friends”. Again, based on these hypotheses discussed in this paper, one may perceive the characteristics of friendship as costly and beneficial.

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