The Pros And Cons Of Prenatal Genetic Testing

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As medical fields become larger, the morals every family stands for become weaker. Though most medicines and tests are needed every day, such as antibiotics, pain killers, and MRI’s the line needs to be drawn between the medical field and family morals. Prenatal genetic testing is pushing the moral line farther than ever before. The testing destroys every dream a parent has to be a father or mother. The prenatal genetic test rapidly changes the mindset of being a future parent into being an abortion supporter. As the medical field expands, it is nearly destroying every moral thing we stand for. We need to find the moral line and stand our ground. Prenatal genetic testing is a complicated topic for several families. This procedure is arranged in order to predict the health of …show more content…

I believe that these test mess with parent’s minds, by giving them probable false information. Yet, these test a supposed to be up to 99% accurate. If a test does not give 100% accuracy it is completely useless. Why even have a test that could and will fail as evidence shows, resulting in a probable abortion. I highly doubt you would want an archeologist to say that this bridge is only 99% stable. Mark Bradford’s article about abortion after prenatal diagnosis states, “Down syndrome live births as a percentage of total diagnosed pregnancies was 44%. Fifty-three percent of all pregnancies were aborted following prenatal diagnosis and a small percentage were lost to natural causes.” (Bradford, 2015). Why would you want to take a risky test that has a 53% abortion rate after receiving a result? If 53% of the children die before birth then why does the procedure say it is 99% accurate? A statistic cannot be completed if it is missing a variable, in this case it is missing 53% of the variables. Prenatal genetic testing indicates a parent’s unwillingness to have a child with

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