Fertilized Egg Personhood

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The murder rate in the United States during 2015 was 15,696, but many people incorrectly believe that the number is over 700,000. The number is 15,696 because the fertilized egg doesn’t have personhood and it shouldn’t. If we give the fertilized egg personhood it opens up the door to so many problems that can even lead to a Mom dying in order for the baby to be born. When a baby is conceived this connects the parents for life. Should a Mom who uses the Plan B pill be convicted the same as a person who kills their enemies? The answer is no. A fertilized egg should not be given personhood because it isn’t a living human. The fertilized egg given personhood opens the door to the question who should live, the Mom or the egg. If there are complications …show more content…

This is when the egg starts to grow in the fallopian tubes. The growth in the tube can cause a rupture which can kill the mother from blood loss. This is almost a guaranteed death sentence for the mom. The only way to correct the problem is to abort the baby but by doing this she would be able to have a correct pregnancy the next time. Yulia Kornikova a writer states “to maintain strict “personhood” language violates the rights of women, puts their lives in danger, and is a dangerous intrusion of criminal law into medical care.”. Should we be able to take the rights of one away from a living breathing mom and give them to a collections of cells with no feeling or memory? This should not even be a question asked today. If a fertilized egg is given personhood from the moment it is conceived, it’s a person. This means that a person who takes the Plan B pill would technically be committing murder. The problem with that is when the sperm meets the egg it takes about 6 days for the sperm to fully …show more content…

These tests help people who are living and pregnant. If a fertilized egg is given personhood, then they can no longer do these test because they don’t have the consent of the egg that isn’t even able to make choices. At Stanford they did a test on fertilized eggs allowing them to be able to with a 93% certainty be able to tell if the fertilized egg will make it to key milestones. This allow would arise problems with embryotic stem cell research. This is when they take a fertilized egg, which is 3-5 days old and takes it to the stem cells. The Mayo Clinic tells us “These are pluripotent (ploo-RIP-uh-tunt) stem cells, meaning they can divide into more stem cells or can become any type of cell in the body.”. These single stem cells will then be used to help living people regenerate and repair their damaged parts of the body such as organs and their infected tissue. This is only able because fertilized eggs aren’t given personhood like I stated already. At this time the sperm still hasn’t completely implanted in the

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